CTF welcomes first FLS from Bulgaria on the Map of Best Practice

In October 2024, the Capture the Fracture® (CTF) programme had the pleasure of welcoming the first FLS from Bulgaria to the Map of Best Practice.
The University Hospital "Sv. Georgi" in Plovdiv Bulgaria joined the CTF Network, making Bulgaria the 60th country to be displayed on the Map of Best Practice. We interviewed the FLS team, to learn more about their work and the post-fracture care landscape in Bulgaria.
Please tell us about your Fracture Liaison Service
We are a team from the Rheumatology Clinic at the University Hospital "Sv. Georgi" Plovdiv. As specialists in the field of rheumatology, our team not only assesses and treats, but also monitors the condition of patients after a fracture. We also work together with our colleagues from the hospital - orthopedists, endocrinologists, physiotherapists.
How do you hope the Capture the Fracture® programme will be helpful for your FLS?
By joining Capture the Fracture, we hope to share experience and ideas on post-fracture care, as well as initiate new activities on fracture prevention.

What is the post-fracture care and FLS situation in Bulgaria from your perspective?
There is no organized state support for post-fracture care in Bulgaria. Therefore, we believe that membership in your organization will cover the unmet needs for care for patients with fractures, as well as initiatives for fracture prevention.