Capture the Fracture® highlighted at FAN Workshops

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The EU FLS Academy & Network (FAN) is a 3-year Pan European regional initiative which aims to support European Fracture Liaison Services (FLS) as they improve their effectiveness and make their centers sustainable over time. The FAN initiative is chaired by Capture the Fracture®’s Steering Committee Co-Chair, Professor Kassim Javaid.

On November 20 and 21, two FAN workshops ‘Getting Started’ and ‘Becoming Effective’ were held with presentations and interactive, targeted discussions. The Workshops provided practical information and outlined key resources, including the Capture the Fracture® Best Practice Framework, a central guidance underpinning FLS implementation and effectiveness.


Having attended the Workshops, IOF CEO Philippe Halbout stated: “Such educational workshops bring together policy guidance, practical resources and expertise. They are of enormous value in our common mission to expand and improve post-fracture care coordination programs throughout Europe.”